Best Play-to-Earn, Blockchain and Crypto Games: Reviews, Guides and More!

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Best Play-to-Earn Games - Blockchain Games List - Crypto Games

482 Results Shown
One World Nation - Game Review

One World Nation - Game Review

One World Nation (OWN) is a Cryptoverse platform featuring a variety of fantasy, casual, and hyper-casual games for players to enjoy. With immersive gameplay and the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency, OWN is the perfect destination for fans of all types of games. One World Nation, OWN, features 12 warrior clans, each representing a different cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, SOL, etc.). These clans are made up of warrior NFTs called Cryptonites, which players can use in various games to win rewards and earn real money. One World Nation Review: The main game on the platform is Crypto Fantasy, a unique crossover between Football Fantasy and the crypto markets. In this game, players aim to create a winning team of 5 Cryptonites that will earn the most points over a specified period of time. Points are awarded to each Cryptonite based on the performance of the underlying crypto in the real world. One World Nation also offers daily rewards of 3500 USDC across 3 games, as well as a new Prediction game where players can earn rewards by predicting market behavior. With so much to do and discover, One World Nation is a must-play destination for anyone interested in cryptocurrency and gaming.

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Monkey League - $MBS Token Soccer NFT Game - Review

Monkey League - $MBS Token Soccer NFT Game - Review

Monkey League is a soccer game that combines fast-paced, turn-based gameplay with the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It is easy to learn, but difficult to master, making it an engaging and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Monkey League combines elements of both FIFA Street and chess, creating a unique and strategic gaming experience. Players use Monkey NFTs, which are digital assets that represent unique in-game characters with specific abilities, advantages, and statistics, to compete in soccer matches. The gameplay is inspired by FIFA Street, but with the added depth and strategy of chess. This creates a game that is both fast-paced and challenging, and requires players to think critically and make strategic decisions in order to succeed. In Monkey League, players can build their ideal team of four Monkeys to fill the striker, midfielder, defender, and goalkeeper positions. These Monkeys, which are represented by unique NFTs, are born with specific skills and attributes that make them well-suited to particular positions. However, players can also train their Monkeys to improve their abilities and reach their full potential in any position. This allows players to tailor their team composition to their own strategic preferences and create a squad that is well-balanced and equipped to handle any challenge. Monkey League Stamina and Squad: In Monkey League, players must carefully manage their Monkeys' energy levels and health in order to ensure that they are able to perform at their best on the field. Playing matches consumes Energy and exposes Monkeys to the risk of injury, so players must use nutritional and medical supplies to keep their Monkeys healthy and well-rested. Having a larger squad of Monkeys and substitutes on hand can be beneficial in this regard, as it allows players to rotate their Monkeys and keep them fresh. As players compete in matches and advance through the Monkey League ranks, they will earn in-game currency and experience points that can be used to improve their Monkeys and increase the value of their NFTs. By investing Energy and supplies, players can earn $MBS and XP points that help them progress through the game and achieve greater success. Ways to Earn in Monkey League: You can make money while playing Monkey League both actively and inactively. Playing games and scoring goals will be your main route to moving up the ranks and earning TOP MonkeyBucks $MBS for more intense, active gamers. You can watch matches as a spectator, encouraging the winning team's spirit and earning $MBS in the process. This option is for more passive players or those who simply want to enjoy the game. In addition, players will also be able to buy Stadiums and start earning money from the matches they host.

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Walker World - Game Review

Walker World - Game Review

"Walker World" is an expansive open-world adventure and multiplayer game powered by the impressive Unreal Engine 5. Developed by Walker Labs, it represents a groundbreaking addition to the world of blockchain gaming, specifically on the Ethereum blockchain. The game offers players the opportunity to interact with playable NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) that encompass avatars, weapons, and vehicles within a vast Metaverse. It stands out by emphasizing player empowerment through genuine asset ownership and digital interoperability, welcoming avatars and projects from other universes to seamlessly join its growing ecosystem. This ambitious project leverages the Unreal Engine 5 to create a third-person shooter and adventure Metaverse that supports play-to-earn experiences and allows the transfer of digital identities across different realms. The primary digital collectibles in Walker World are known as "Walkers," but the ecosystem also includes additional NFTs like weapons, territories, and vehicles, which can be minted or acquired through the OpenSea NFT marketplace. In "Walker World," players have the freedom to craft their own unique avatars, fully customizable and geared for exploration across various domains within the Metaverse. Notably, this game introduces cross-platform interoperability, enabling these carefully designed "3D animated, full-body, fully rigged characters" to seamlessly explore alternate gaming universes. Additionally, the Metaverse offers a novel digital landscape where individuals can transform into enhanced versions of themselves upon entry. Players have full ownership of their Walker characters, and their evolution is influenced by in-game cosmetics and a thriving marketplace for territories and assets. The in-game currency of "Walker World" is $WALK, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The community response to "Walker World" has been overwhelmingly positive, with gamers and crypto enthusiasts expressing their excitement. Comments from users include expressions like "NEXT LEVEL!!!" and "Web3 gaming just got interesting!!!" The game's potential for player-versus-player (PVP) interactions has generated significant anticipation. In summary, "Walker World" is a cutting-edge blockchain-powered Metaverse that combines the capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 with NFTs to offer players a unique and highly customizable gaming experience. Its emphasis on genuine asset ownership, digital interoperability, and cross-platform play sets it apart in the world of blockchain gaming, and it has garnered enthusiastic support from the gaming and crypto communities. In "Walker World," gamers are in for an immersive adventure within a blockchain-powered Metaverse. Crafted by Walker Labs and driven by Unreal Engine 5, this open-world game offers unique experiences. Players can customize their avatars and explore diverse domains. What sets "Walker World" apart is its emphasis on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for avatars, weapons, and more, ensuring true asset ownership. The game also introduces cross-platform interoperability, allowing avatars to seamlessly venture into other gaming realms. You'll find an in-game marketplace for assets and territories, further enhancing your gameplay. With Ethereum-based in-game currency, $WALK, you can engage in various transactions. But what truly stands out is the community's excitement. Gamers and crypto enthusiasts are buzzing about the potential of "Walker World." It's an invitation to a new era of gaming with ownership at its core. So, dive into this evolving Metaverse and unleash your gaming prowess while keeping an eye on its promising future.

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Pixels: NFT Game Review

Pixels: NFT Game Review

Pixels - a gaming metaverse that has recently shifted to the Ronin Blockchain. With over 900,000 players already mesmerized by its pixelated charm and blockchain integration, Pixels stands out as a unique blend of farming, exploration, and creativity. Let's unpack the allure of this free-to-play game, where you can own land and flaunt NFTs as characters. It's a world that has personally captivated me and countless others with its innovative approach to gaming. Gameplay Overview: Embark on a Pixelated Adventure: Introduction to Terra Villa: Your First Step in Pixels. My first encounter with Pixels was nothing short of magical. Guided by Barney, a delightful NPC, the tutorial introduced me to the basics of farming - a skill crucial for thriving in this pixelated universe. This engaging start laid the groundwork for what was to come in Terra Villa, the main city and the heart of Pixels. Here, Ranger Dale, a character stationed at the PLOT office, introduces the concept of land ownership - a game-changing feature that elevates the Pixels experience. Quests and Land Ownership: More Than Just a Game. The transition from the tutorial to the general store was seamless. It was like stepping into a vibrant marketplace buzzing with potential adventures. The quests in Pixels aren't just tasks; they are stories waiting to be unveiled, each adding depth to the game's narrative. But here's the twist - land ownership in Pixels isn't just for show. It's a strategic move that allows you to earn resources even when you're offline. I found myself engrossed in the gameplay loop of gathering resources, crafting items, and trading them for in-game currency. It's a dynamic process that keeps you engaged and invested in your virtual land and resources. Graphics and Sound Design: A Feast for the Senses: Visuals and NFT Collections: A Pixelated Wonderland. Pixels is a visual treat with its intricate pixel graphics. The attention to detail in the buildings, actions, and the overall environment is impressive. But what really caught my eye was the integration of NFT collections for character customization - it adds a personal touch to your gaming avatar. Sound Design: Setting the Mood: The sound design in Pixels deserves a special mention. The background music changes with locations, adding an immersive layer to the gaming experience. Although, I must admit, after a few hours, the music can feel a bit repetitive. Yet, the overall sound effects are a crucial part of what makes Pixels an enjoyable experience. Review and Scoring: Weighing the Pros and Cons Positive Aspects Pixels shines with its captivating graphics and sound design. The smooth onboarding process makes it easy for new players to dive into the game. The NFT integration is a brilliant touch, adding depth to the gameplay. Concerns However, the game isn't without its drawbacks. The tutorial could use more visual cues, and some of the early missions felt a bit lengthy. For casual gamers, a six-hour quest right off the bat might be a bit much. The lack of visual guidance in the initial stages might impact the overall player experience. Conclusion: A Promising Pixelated Universe Despite these hiccups, Pixels offers a robust gameplay loop that will appeal to farming and exploration enthusiasts. With ongoing development and new features on the horizon, the game's future looks promising. The review score reflects a positive first impression with room for improvement. Pros and Cons at a Glance Pros: Intricate pixel graphics Engaging sound design Smooth onboarding process Cons: Tutorial lacks visual cues Time-consuming introductory missions Limited guidance post-tutorial Join the Pixels Adventure For those looking to explore the evolving metaverse, Pixels is a must-try. Whether you're a casual gamer or a farming aficionado, this game offers a unique mix of blockchain technology, farming, and community engagement. Dive into this dynamic universe and shape your own Pixels journey. Game Details for Pixels Enthusiasts Genre: Farming Simulation, Open-World Exploration Platform: Web Browser Blockchain: Ronin Category: Play-to-Earn, Blockchain Gaming NFTs: Yes, includes lands, avatars, collections, pets Tokens: BERRY (ERC-20) and PIXEL (upcoming) Game Phase: Evolving from Web3 farming to a decentralized world Game Type: Play-to-Earn, Multiplayer, Single-player Campaigns Discover hundreds of games like Pixels on our Games Overview pages. Check out page 1, page 2, and so on, up to page 8, and find your next gaming obsession!

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Synergy of Serra - NFT Game Review

Synergy of Serra - NFT Game Review

"Synergy of Serra" is a free-to-play collectible card game that allows players to compete for prizes using a standard deck of cards. Players can also use non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to enhance their gameplay experience. The game is open to all players and does not require any upfront costs. In addition to traditional gameplay, the use of blockchain technology in "Synergy of Serra" gives players the ability to truly own their cards as digital assets. This means that players have the option to trade, sell, or otherwise use their cards as they see fit. The use of NFTs allows players to assert ownership and control over their cards in a way that is not possible in traditional card games. 159 unique cards will be available when Synergy of Serra launches, separated into four sets: the promo set, beginner set, base set, and transcendence set. The quality and rarity of a card are used to evaluate its scarcity. The most valued card is a legendary golden card, while the least valuable card is a painted metal common card. "Synergy of Serra" will feature seasonal ladders, which are competitive modes that last for one to four months at a time. During these ladders, players will be able to earn cryptocurrency prizes by performing well in the game. The game is expected to launch its crate opening feature in 2022, followed by a closed alpha in 2023. The play to earn principle means that players can earn rewards simply by playing and excelling at the game. Factions are another card feature in Synergy of Serra. The same Faction "levels up" as a player adds more cards from that Faction to their collection, granting bonuses to cards that belong to it. Units occasionally even get new skills from higher-level Factions! Faction level, however, is not the only option. A Faction's level declines as its number of players decrease. The game also features Attachments. Each unit has one to four slots for attachments. Some units also have On Attach and On Detach effects that are triggered, as attachments are added or removed.

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9Lives Arena - Game Review

9Lives Arena - Game Review

In the world of online gaming, 9Lives Arena (9LA) emerges as a revolutionary title that challenges conventional RPG norms. Developed by Touchhour Inc., known for their innovative game development approaches, 9LA introduces players to a gaming experience that combines thrilling 1v1 PvP combat, permadeath mechanics, and the groundbreaking concept of Ooogy companions. The game's unique premise revolves around the concept of permadeath, where character deaths result in permanent statues, with the top three statues proudly displayed in your Training Arena for others to see. However, this isn't the end of the road for players, thanks to the persistence of progression in 9LA. Before venturing into the ruthless Inferno Arena, players have the opportunity to hone their skills in the Training Arena, where they can fight, level up, gather resources, and practice strategies without fear of losing lives. Even when a character meets their ultimate demise, their hard-earned blueprints, spells, abilities, and items stored in the bank box remain accessible, providing a fresh start for the next hero. The game's combat system is skill-based, unfolding in real-time, and offering a wide range of character customization options, from mages to rogues and DPS builds. This diversity ensures that each battle is a unique and exhilarating experience.One of 9LA's standout features is its commitment to avoiding the pay-to-win model. All purchasable blueprints are purely cosmetic and offer no advantages in terms of gameplay. This approach ensures a level playing field for all players and maintains the game's competitive integrity. Blockchain technology is another exciting aspect of 9Lives Arena. Limited-edition item blueprints are available as NFTs on the blockchain, offering players true ownership and the potential to profit from in-game purchases. This innovative integration paves the way for a new era in video game item sales. The concept of Spirit Hunters and Immortals adds an extra layer of depth to the game. When a character dies, they leave behind a spirit hunter that can fight to regain nine lives. Immortals, once they've achieved this feat, become a unique class of characters with their own leaderboard and a maximum of nine lives, making them formidable adversaries. As for the game's availability, 9Lives Arena is currently in alpha, with plans for open beta and a full release. The developers are dedicated to continued updates and evolution post-release, ensuring an exciting and dynamic gaming experience for players. In a nod to transparency and community engagement, players are encouraged to stream their gameplay during the alpha and beta phases, although it's essential to note the presence of potential bugs and issues during the alpha stage. Premium accounts, which come with Founder Packs, grant players a total of five character slots. Characters can be created and switched freely within these slots. Regarding server availability, the game's server is initially located on the east coast of the US. As the player base expands with the beta launch, more servers will be introduced globally to ensure low latency for players across all regions. While 9Lives Arena does not currently have an in-game voice chat system, plans to translate the game into multiple languages during the beta phase ensure accessibility for a broader player base. In summary, 9Lives Arena is a game that boldly challenges RPG conventions, offering a dynamic blend of permadeath, character persistence, and a groundbreaking companion system with Ooogies. With its commitment to fairness, blockchain integration, and diverse combat options, 9LA promises to redefine the RPG gaming experience and carve its place in the gaming industry's evolving landscape.

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Superior - Game Review

Superior - Game Review

Superior is an exciting third-person rogue-lite shooter game made by Drifter and powered by NFT. It uses Web3 and is brought to you by Gala Games. Superior is a game by Gala Games. It is a unique third-person co-op shooter in which former heroes have turned bad and are putting the city in danger. As a player, you have to beat impossible odds to make people safe again. The game has a roguelite structure with three superhero choices, procedurally generated levels, and ways to level up. Each try starts with no powers, weapons, or advantages, which encourages players to plan and get better as they earn EXP and Skill Points. Even though the game is still in early access on PC and the Gala Games website, its Web3 integration, which includes cryptocurrency payments and NFT characters, has gotten mixed reviews on its Steam page. Superior is made more fun by a robot bartender who joins players on their journey and says funny things. The story is about you, a superhero who has to face down corrupted and evil versions of yourself. Even though it's a simple idea, the robot bartender makes the story more interesting by guiding players and telling them interesting facts as they go. The game also has three different characters, each with their own set of skills and way of playing. Ronin is a fierce berserker who is great with SMGs and melee weapons in close combat. Nomad is a skilled sharpshooter who rules from a distance with a rifle and satellites that he has hacked. Lastly, Murmur is a skilled mechanic who uses explosives and holograms to fool and beat his enemies. Pick your hero with care!

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Nyan Heroes - Game Review

Nyan Heroes - Game Review

Nyan Heroes brings cats as heroes in a sci-fi inter-galactic blockchain battle game. Come join in a world where Cats (Nyan) are in a battle with each other, assisted by their Guardian Robots. The game is in a shooter-styled format where Nyans (cats) are in a battle royale with only one aim which is to eliminate others. Moreover, the best thing about the game is that the cats and the robots are cute-looking, retro, 3D cyberpunk-styled characters. These eye-pleasing characters are NFTs which are collectibles in the game economy. The game uses the Unity game engine allowing the developers to create those crisp 3D graphics and interfaces. So, unlike any other crypto/NFT play 2 earn sci-fi games there is little focus on the visuals, Nyan Heroes is a game that is appealing not only gameplay-wise but also visually. The game showcases a dystopian post-apocalyptic world ruled by warring cats. Moreover, accessories, skins, and weapons for the Nyan and their Guardian Robots are also tradeable NFTs. So, the up-gradation of characters helps raise their value in the game’s marketplace. Nyan Heroes Tokenomics: The more Nyans a player has, the more stronger and powerful the player becomes in the game. Moreover, the in-game economics enable the players to fight each other in battles or campaigns to earn $NYN (Nyan) tokens. These Nyan Tokens can also be bought directly, however, there is a limited number of those. Nyan Heroes game economy runs on another token $CTNP (Catnip), which will be helpful for the players to buy new weapons, craft them, upgrade them, or even buy other in-game virtual tools, land plots, and equipment. The game is built upon the Solana blockchain technology which is a stable game coin.

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Legends at War - Game Review

Legends at War - Game Review

Legends at War is an immersive MMORTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) game currently in its beta phase, offering players a thrilling strategy RPG experience. Developed by a dedicated team of over 30 developers, the game aims to create the ultimate MMORTS and actively seeks player feedback to refine the gaming experience. It's available as a free-to-play mobile game on both iOS and Android platforms and immerses players in a medieval world where they can lead armies, capture castles, fortify strongholds, nurture villages, and build a thriving virtual empire. One of the standout features of Legends at War is its integration with the LAW Blockchain, a customized version of Polygon Edge. This blockchain technology allows players to own in-game assets, which can accumulate real-world value as they expand their territory within the game. This ownership model encourages player engagement and investment in the game's ecosystem. The gameplay revolves around constructing cities, recruiting legendary heroes, assembling armies, and engaging in large-scale real-time battles for wealth and glory. Players start by claiming lands through battles and then embark on a base-building journey, with essential structures like the mana generator to power troop leveling and resource acquisition. Battles are strategically straightforward, with different units having distinct advantages against specific foes. Legends at War is developed by Solert Games, previously known as Sabre Games, after a rebranding due to copyright concerns. The game aims to capture the essence of classic strategy RPGs while delivering captivating visuals and addictive gameplay. In terms of tokenomics, $AVAX is the official token used on the Avalanche blockchain technology that powers the game. However, a specialized in-game token for the economy is in development. The game has generated excitement among the gaming community, with players eagerly awaiting its global release. Some players have expressed nostalgia for classic strategy games like Warcraft, highlighting the potential appeal of Legends at War to fans of the genre. However, it's worth noting that the game may not be available in all regions, as mentioned by one player's comment about its unavailability in the US.

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Ark Rivals - Game Review

Ark Rivals - Game Review

In the realm of blockchain gaming, the spotlight is now on Ark Rivals, a groundbreaking title that marries user-generated content, NFTs, and a sci-fi action strategy gameplay style. Drawing inspiration from genre giants like Clash of Clans and Rise of Kingdoms, Ark Rivals plunges players into a futuristic galaxy where dominance hinges on strength and resource management. One standout feature is the integration of NFTs. Players can mint and trade these digital assets to represent their in-game properties, from land to the formidable airship army known as Arks. These NFTs aren't just collectibles; they're the bedrock of the Ark Rivals ecosystem. The game's currency, $ARKN tokens, is another crucial element. Earning them involves resource mining, and the key to successful gameplay is safeguarding your base from rival players to ensure a steady resource flow. However, the heart-pounding Faction Wars mode is where players put their strategies to the test. Factions vie for grand rewards, and the season's victors gain a substantial edge. What sets Ark Rivals apart is its commitment to long-term sustainability. The game's creators intend to avert the typical fate of cryptocurrency games by maintaining the value of the $ARKN coin through in-game utility. This vision promises a game that retains its appeal over time, ensuring rewards for players who reinvest in their tokens, strengthening their characters and enhancing their potential. In summary, Ark Rivals isn't just another crypto game; it's a strategic, sci-fi universe where NFTs, tokens, and Faction Wars reign supreme. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, Ark Rivals stands as a captivating and sustainable entry in the blockchain gaming landscape, catering to both traditional and crypto-savvy gamers alike.

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Goals - Game Review

Goals - Game Review

Goals is still under development and the development team hasn’t let out too much information about this blockchain game. The team has recently raised $20M in funding to continue working on the upcoming free-to-play football/soccer NFT game. The team promise that players will win based on skills, it will not be a pay-to-win football game like the certain football game we all know. It will be a proper platform to manage your club and earn real money. Let’s get into what we know about this crypto game. When a person first logs into GOALS, they need to form their own club. When the player makes a club, the basics kick in about managing it. Each club will have its own set of players, cosmetics, stadiums, celebrations, and other features. It's time to start constructing your GOALS legacy after the club has been established. Users will earn money to help them improve their club by playing several types of game modes, ranging from casual to competitive and individual to co-op. Users will be challenged by player transfers, PETs, squad management, roles and tactics, facilities, game performance, and more while managing and expanding a club. A club's assets include the following: Players, Cosmetics, Stadiums, Highlights, Celebrations, Trophies, Goals Gameplay. Users can join and represent a team in addition to running their own club. Teams are made up of multiple individuals, and the individual assets of those users can be merged to play team-based game variants. Anyone can start their own squad or join one that currently exists. A user can only be a member of one team at a time. Small groups of friends to large franchises and esports groups are expected to make up teams. By allowing users to join a team, we intend to improve the social aspect of the game while also adding an exciting element to the esports landscape, where any team can fight for grand rewards.

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Kawaii Islands: Paradise Adventure - Play-to-Earn Fantasy Simulation - Game Review

Kawaii Islands: Paradise Adventure - Play-to-Earn Fantasy Simulation - Game Review

Kawaii Island, a play-to-earn, provides you with a fantasy universe, in which you can build, craft, farm, socialize, and more. Kawaii Islands is a game that takes inspiration from the beauty and diverse landscapes of the Garden Island or Garden Isle, which is also known as Kauai, one of the Hawaiian Islands. Players can explore different parts of the island within the game, including the Na Pali Coast, Waimea Canyon, and Kalalau Trail, all of which are popular tourist destinations in real life. The game offers a virtual experience of the hiking trails and natural wonders that Kauai has to offer, allowing players to immerse themselves in the scenic beauty of the island. Players can also visit small towns and state parks, as well as explore the different sides of the island, including the west side, north shore, south shore, and south side. Wailua Falls and Wailua River are also part of the virtual world in Kawaii Islands. The game's play-to-earn model allows players to earn NFTs while enjoying the island's sights and attractions, making the virtual exploration of Kauai an enjoyable and rewarding experience. You can earn NFTs with real-life value and can easily exchange them for fiat currency. Each player will need one Binance Smart Chain account to link their MetaMask Wallet to the gameplay with NFTs. In the future, Kawaii Islands will expand and support other Wallets. To access the mobile versions, you'll need to create an email account with a password to store your progress. For transactions they have the aiRight Exclusive Marketplace, Kawaii Islands allows users to sell all important game products as NFTs. All members of the Kawaii Islands have the ability to start their own business and trade or farm NFTs. As you use your wallet address to log in to Kawaii Islands, all purchased things from the Marketplace will automatically appear in your in-game Silo and Storage, and vice versa. Our gamers will benefit from smooth transactions and easy stock control. Winners of airdrops can also claim their prizes on the aiRight Marketplace, which will be sent directly to their wallets.

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DEFY Mobile Game: Metaverse Move-to-Earn Augmented Reality

DEFY Mobile Game: Metaverse Move-to-Earn Augmented Reality

DEFY is a groundbreaking mobile game that introduces a novel concept known as "move-to-earn" while merging elements from both the virtual and real worlds to create an immersive metaverse experience. Running on the Polygon blockchain, DEFY focuses on restoring digital identity and personal data ownership within the framework of the decentralized Defiance Of Society. Players of DEFY find themselves in a world where a faceless organization called Future Systems has taken control of global networks, promising free internet access to all but at the cost of privacy and individuality. People now rely on Future Systems for basic needs, leading to dissatisfaction among some. In this scenario, players take on the role of operatives assisting a character named Kha0s, a systems administrator within Future Systems, in his mission to bring down the organization. They use a mobile app to infiltrate the network, steal a new global currency called FCOIN, and thwart Future Systems' control. One of the game's unique features is the use of NFT Virtual Private Masks, allowing operatives to hide their identities from Future Systems as they navigate the digital landscape. Players must be cautious, as Future Systems deploys security measures, including drones that pursue operatives. Operatives can either outrun these drones or use an electromagnetic pulse device to disable them. DEFY doesn't stop at "play-to-earn" but introduces "move-to-earn" and "learn-to-earn" elements. Players engage in physical activity as they play, promoting better health, and also learn the fundamentals of coding in an enjoyable and rewarding manner. In terms of in-game currency, DEFY employs a dual-token system. FCOIN is the in-game currency that players can earn by participating in various activities within the game. It is used to purchase and enhance NFT assets, creating a rewarding cycle within the game. Premium mask holders can transfer FCOIN to Kha0s' bank account, where they will receive DEFY tokens based on their contributions of FCOIN. The more FCOIN they contribute, the more DEFY tokens they receive. In summary, DEFY is an innovative mobile game that combines virtual and real-world elements, promoting physical activity and coding skills while offering a unique play-to-earn experience within a dystopian narrative where players battle against a controlling organization.

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Sweat Economy: Earn Cryptocurrency Walking, $SWEAT Token - Review

Sweat Economy: Earn Cryptocurrency Walking, $SWEAT Token - Review

The Sweat Economy is an innovative app that rewards users with cryptocurrency for physical movement, specifically walking. The more a person walks and sweats, the more cryptocurrency they can earn through the app. This approach introduces a groundbreaking avenue for earning and value generation, aiming to provide equitable opportunities for everyone to benefit from the new economic landscape. The SWEAT initiative focuses on encouraging physical activity for its potential to improve health, emphasizing a correlation rather than a causal link. It aims to create a virtuous cycle where increased physical and mental well-being reinforce each other. The primary objective is to inspire individuals to embrace movement and promote holistic wellness through incentivized contributions. In the SWEAT ecosystem, the difficulty of earning SWEAT increases over time, motivating users to engage in physical activity sooner rather than later. This strategy not only encourages current physical activity but also maintains the practical value of SWEAT by following a model where production costs consistently rise. SWEAT introduces an open movement economy, establishing a novel market where individuals worldwide can receive rewards for various physical activities such as cycling, swimming, jogging, or hiking. Users are compensated for their contributions to society through active engagement. Tokenomics of $SWEAT are based on its exclusive generation through motion, resulting in an increase in "input" (steps) as the user base grows. This rise in users leads to a surge in activity driven by changed habits and motivation due to the rewards offered by the app.

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Gunny: NFT Blockchain Third-Person Shooter - Review

Gunny: NFT Blockchain Third-Person Shooter - Review

"Gunny" is a competitive e-sport game that incorporates the Rank-to-Earn concept and is built on the Algorand blockchain, integrating NFTs. It is a dynamic third-person shooter that challenges players not only in skill but also in strategic gear preparation and deploying Inugis for combat. The game merges the world of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, offering rewards for players who prove their skills against online rivals. Gunny promises an innovative NFT gaming experience with equipment enhancement, global ranking, and worldwide recognition. The game's narrative unfolds in a world where Inugis, mystical beings with magical abilities, align themselves with humans, leading to technological advancement and prosperity. However, conflicts arise as factions diverge in their pursuits, with some seeking harmony and others exploiting Inugis' powers. Players' choices shape the course of the story. In Gunny, players can acquire NFT armaments with varying rarities, customize accessories, and employ pet companions with unique abilities. Weapon skins, also NFTs, allow for further customization, and all these assets are tradable on the Marketplace. Players can earn wealth and rise in ranks through competitive matches, daily missions, NFT resale, Battle Pass rewards, and participation in cash-prized tournaments. The game introduces two tokens: $ALGO as a stable reward token to counter external economic fluctuations and a utility token essential for enhancing weapons, accessories, and repairs. Gunny's unique token operates through a proprietary P2P trading system, allowing users to sell at preferred prices without disrupting the in-game economy. Community response to Gunny is mixed, with some expressing concerns about the impact of NFTs on the game's value and others appreciating its gameplay and graphics, suggesting that a more affordable, non-NFT version might be preferable.

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